
*Name: -nIa-*

*Location: Sydney, Australia*

*HomeTown: Jakarta, Indonesia*


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-Mr Bien-

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Sunday, November 23, 2008

happy bday mom

uda lama nga nulis so it times buat nulis hehe.. actually sedikit bingung yach... my mom bday is today itu tertulis seperti di kartu identitas tp sebenernya my mom bday is not today but already belated on july but i think i still wanna said happy bday to my mom.

Happy birthday, Mom!
I hope everyone can see,
What a great mom you’ve always been
And how much you mean to me.
I always think about you,
In times both good and bad,
For the things you taught are with me,
In happy times and sad.
So on this day I wish you joy,
Just like you pass around.May all your good times multiply,
And happiness around


Thursday, November 06, 2008


temen2 blogger pa kbar smuanay nich... smoga bae2 aja yach.... btw, skrg nia lg di indo lagi mencari kerjaan so doain nia yach.. biar dpt kerjaan yg sesuai or paling nga bisa cari duit lagi d coz bosen jg nganggur n kg ngapa2in hehe.... itu aja sih yg mau di update disini coz masi bingung mau updated apa heheh... ok d wismilak yach... dlm mencari new job hehe... eniwei, thx a lot before buat temen2 blogger yg uda setia mampir n baca blog nia... bubye all... gbu