alo temen2 blogger yg terkasih... wah uda lama ya kg update sperti biasa alasannya tuh pasti gak smpt or sibuk hehe... tetapi alasan tetaplah sebuah alasan ok d daripada terlalu basa basi so let's start d. Here we go hehe...
bln mei tgl beberapa ari lagi then we start next month which is june tp skrg nia mau omongin bln may dulu kali ya hehe...
tgl 6 may kmrn itu adalah my daddy birthday.... so happy belated birthday ya dad.. hope the best for u.... and may god always bless u..... amin. skrg my dad itu lagi ke malay buat check up so temen2 blogger please pray for my dad ya hope everything going smoothly without make me and my brothers worries.
then tgl 20 may is my little brother birthday so once again happy belated birthday bro... sori sbg sister, ci nia blum bisa kasi apa2 yg berharga tp ci nia cumen bisa kasi kue tart and doa... smoga dd ndru suskses yach.. and my god always bless u... amin.
next, i want said thanks to my sist in christ "Sherly" yg uda mau bantuin nia buat ngasi idea buat scrapbook wedding temen nia.. thx ya, sist.... god bless u. amin
hmm... apa lagi yach.... jadi stuck d oh iya nia ada cerita d tp ntar nia post di post'an berikutnya yach... ya uda cukup segini dulu d... may god always bless all of u... amin bubye...