Yippie, christmas is coming hehe.... its mean Jesus already born into this world and bring happiness also joyness to all of us... i make this video by using the sims people hehe.. hope u enjoy this video. btw, 8 days to go to year 2008, means year 2007 will be end soon... so many happen to me which is bad n good but i think most of them is bad thing so my resolution on next year is hope everythink going smoothly n with good thing also make everyone proud with me n happy ;))
2day in indo is celebrate mother's day so Happy Mother Day.. Mom, I miss u so much.. can't wait 2 see u soon... Love U, Mom...
Ps: nia want to wish all my friends :
May all of u have a gladness christmas which is hope
The spirit of christmas which is peace
The heart of christmas which is love
oc that dis end of updated blog see all of u on the next post.. and have a nice weekends.. God Bless U, aLL... bubye....