ola... kawan2 pa kbr smua nich... uda lama jg yach.. kg updated dis blog so i'm in here to updated dis blog again hehe.... let starts....
duh.. blkgan ini, nia sibuk sampe2 ga punya wkt buat updated dis blog di tambah komp ku gie kena virus n ada beberap problem laen yg masi blum ada solution nya nich.... :( tp nia gie berusaha menyelesaikan problem2 ku ini heheh.... so sori yach... temen2 kalo nia jrng bw ke blog kalian but thx loh uda mampir ke blog ku... btw, problem apa yg gie nia hadapin.. ntar nia cerita di post selanjutnya aja kali yach... coz gie not in the mood to write the problem rite now.. sori yach....
oc d sgini dulu aja kali yach..... coz kg tau mau cerita apa lg ditambah blkgan ini gie agak males buat nulis or updated blog hehe..... bubye.... n have a nice weekend yach.....
Labels: problem