
*Name: -nIa-*

*Location: Sydney, Australia*

*HomeTown: Jakarta, Indonesia*


-BunDa TripLeT's-
-Mr Bien-

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Saturday, March 10, 2007


Hi aLL, mau tau nga hehe... ternyata slaen dapet PR dari kampus, aku jg dapat PR dari temen blog'ku loch n nama'nya *-ShErLy-*. Btw, ada" aja d yg mulai ngasi idea buat PR kaya gini n kebetulan, aku gie bingung mau posting tentang apa, eh malah dapet PR n PR'nya cocok buat dijadi'in bahan posting'an d so posting PR ini aja kale yach... :) so let's start d buat PR'nya :p

1. Record that change your life: GMB

2. Records you've listened more than once: 2 much 2 mentions :p but still GMB then nice n easy listening song.

3. Records that you just don't understand: hmmh.... I think metal n punk songs. The songs are to noisy n not enjoyable to listen.

4. Record that made you laugh: too much to mentions also :p for example: saykoji n project pop. they're good band.

5. Records that made you cry: Worship song n sad song :(.

6. Record that creeps the hell out of you: punk, metal n other song are to noisy n not enjoyable to listen.

7. Record you wish had never been made: songs are to noisy n not enjoyable to listen.

8. Records that you've just listened: right now, i'm so in love with Nelly Furtado n O-town song :).

9. Record you've been meaning to buy (..or Steal): right now, i'm not interested 2 buy even 2 steal song.

10. Nge-tag sapa yah.........??? hmmh, bingung juga yach... mau nge-tag sapa but anyone who wanna do dis homeworks, it's free homeworks 2 do it :p but i'd like 2 choose *-KrIsTiN-* , *-TeLLa-* n *-NaTa-* , thanks a lot yach... :). btw, for people who i choose 2 do dis homeworks is not necessary 2 aLL of U 2 do it, it's up 2 u, gaLs... :p.

okay dat's the end of my homeworks n see yach on d next posting. God BLess yOu, aLL n have a nice weekends. Bubye... ;)