2day is my lovely bro 21st birthday :). happy birthday, bro n hope u have a great birthday dis year n wish u all d best. actually, on 00.00 at 22 February 2007, we already planning wanna give surprise party 4 him. the planning is after my bro finished working at 10.00 pm (21 February 2007), i should took my bro for a while walk until 00.00 n going back 2 apartment then all the frenz are waiting inside in the apartment then suprise hehe... :p but suddenly the plan is change coz on wednesday, my bro received a phone call from his frenz to ask him play soccer until 01.00 am in the mornink so we can't give him a surprise party at 02.00 am coz my bro birthday on weekday so some frenz should work in the mornink therefore, they must sleep earlier and some frenz still doing the exam so they must prepare to study. So, we cancel the surprise party but tonight, we still want give the surprise party 2 my bro before 00.00 at 23 February 2007 :) and no one of us give birthday greeting 2 my bro until tonite coz we already disappointed 2 him :(. oc then, i'll update dis blog again tonite n put some pic on dis blog regarding our topic 2day is my bro 21st birthday. see ya n God BLess U, aLL n thx already read my blog :p. bubye n have a nice weekday.