Hi aLL gie mau updated bLog nich... coz i'm feeL aLone now :(. oc let start 2 write somethink.
Yesterday, gw pegi ke airport ma juju buat anter wira yg mau for gud n my bro yg mau hol'z so now tinggal gw ma juju ngerasa kesepian without both of them yg now lg di indo.Apartment Landmark 1710 jadi sepi uda kaya kg berpenghuni hehe.... :p
Bntr lg exam n ampe skrg blum prepare apa2. duh, males bgt skolah jadi pengen plg ke indo coz i'm reaLLy feeL like homesick n miss my mom n dad, my bro's also everyone at home include my grandma then aLL my lovely frenz n ***** but stiLL thinking about dat :) whether should go beck after exam or after new year!!!! so i'm stiLL decided ;) but hopefuLLy i'LL get job so i can stay in here without thinking wanna go beck to indo but someday i'LL go beck even just 4 hol'z :p
Oc, i think dis d end of my bLog 4 2day. see ya on my next post. bubye n GBU
"God wiLL be with yOu now n today, aLways"